Aloha & Welcome to 808 Orchids!
Celebrating 38 years of commercial orchid growing in Hawaii.
We offer both retail and wholesale orchids shipped via FEDEX and UPS to all 50 states, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and select international locations.
If you are interested in becoming a wholesale customer, please fill out our wholesale account registration form for approval
Australian Dendrobiums
3 Products -
Non Bloom
30 Products -
Orchids in spike or bud
18 Products -
Clearance & Specials
2 Products -
2-3" Potted Orchids
20 Products -
18 Products -
Dendrobium (Den-Phal Type)
28 Products -
3 Products -
2 Products -
Latouria/Formosum Dendrobiums
13 Products -
4 Products -
Twisted Petal/Novelty Dendrobiums
10 Products -
1 Product
808 Orchids Inc. is located in Kalapana, Hawaii
Aloha and Welcome to 808 Orchids !
We are commercial orchid growers with on the Big Island of Hawaii with 38 years of growing experience.
We service the wholesale orchid industry including garden centers, botanical gardens, orchid shows, orchid greenhouses, orchid societies and we now also ship direct to consumers. We ship live orchids throughout Hawaii, the US mainland, Puerto Rico, Guam & Saipan, USVI and some international destinations.